Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Afternoon Coffee Make Difficult Sleep?

green coffee pelangsing

Afternoon Coffee Make Difficult Sleep?


Coffee enthusiasts may be able to have coffee at any time, morning, noon, afternoon, even at night. But according to the most recent study, when wanting obtain good sleep at night, so people need to avoid coffee started since evening.

Studies of small class was working on experiments using caffeine pills which implies the same with two or three cups of coffee or contains 400 mg of caffeine. Finally, the pill began as early as six hours before sleep are at risk is important in trouble sleeping.

Drinking a large cup of coffee when leaving work a negative impact on sleep, said chairman Christopher Drake study, researchers from Henry Ford Sleep Disorder and Research Center in Detroit, USA.

According to Drake, the condition was somewhat better as a coffee during the day. Because there are currently a considerable distance in the afternoon as well as evening approached the bed.

The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, involved 12 healthy people who have normal sleep patterns. Time in a row and in the study, participants were told to continue their normal sleep time.

They were also told to consume caffeine pills three times a day throughout the four days. Three pills taken at intervals throughout the day: six hours, three hours, and for a while before bed.

In fact, researchers only gave one caffeine pill, just two more, namely a placebo. As well as of four days, one day they really only gave placebo pills alone.

Some researchers found, participants disturbed sleep when they take caffeine pills, when also the time. Even time to drink six hours before bed, they at least lose sleep are more an hour.

Drake and his team delivered, this study is the first study looking at the impact of a specific dose of caffeine before sleeping all this time. They said that people need to avoid caffeine after 17. 00 hours to get a good nights sleep.

Dr. Len Horovitz, an expert in internal medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City admitted it was surprised by the results of this research. The reason is, most people complain of insomnia naturally after drinking coffee at night.

But the study could point out, drink coffee in the afternoon also have a negative effect on the quality and amount of sleep a night, he said. Sleep in the know is a major workload for the recovery of the body benefits. Lack of sleep can cause a lot of problems in the days afterward, ranging from concentration problems to critical illness.

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